Klein Karoo Proprietary Limited (KKEB) is an agricultural holding company that has three subsidiary companies in its stable, namely Cape Karoo International Proprietary Limited (CKI), Klein Karoo Seed Production Proprietary Limited (KKSP) and Klein Karoo Agri Proprietary Limited (KKA).
Activities are managed decentralised in the mentioned three companies, and the focus is mainly on ostrich products (meat, leather, and feathers), seed production, and the provision of agricultural supplies, which includes fuel. Each company has a separate board of directors as well as executive management that takes responsibility at operational level. No day-to-day activities take place on group level, and the focus is solely on service delivery to subsidiary companies.
The group’s investments are held in the following companies:

Klein Karoo Agri
Contact Number: +(27)44 203 5100
Website: www.kleinkarooagri.co.za
Managing Director: Mr Terblanche du Plessis
KLEIN KAROO AGRI is a division of Klein Karoo Proprietary Limited, a well-established and diversified agricultural company. KLEIN KAROO AGRI comprises six retail branches, two service stations and a mechanisation and irrigation department.
We focus on delivering exceptional quality products and customer service in a cost effective way, while also offering competitive prices. We do this by concentrating on well-managed stock control, strict cost awareness, a low overhead cost structure and a strong value system.
The low margins at which KLEIN KAROO AGRI conducts its business should be seen in the light of the fact that our primary business is to provide input requirements needed daily by agricultural operations, but we also stock a wide range of products for the general public, builders, gardeners and DIY enthusiasts.
KLEIN KAROO AGRI’s field of operation includes the Little Karoo area – which is the core of the ostrich industry – with branches in Oudtshoorn, De Rust, Ladismith, Calitzdorp, Prince Albert and Beaufort West. Products and services are delivered to ostrich, vegetable seed, sheep, goat, dairy, cattle, deciduous fruit and field crop farmers.
The rapidly changing and competitive agricultural and business environment requires that we continuously reposition our enterprise in order to remain relevant.
KLEIN KAROO AGRI considers their partnership with producers, customers, suppliers and personnel as very important. Therefore we will remain focused on excellent customer service, development of our personnel and involvement in our communities. You, our customers, are the foundation of our business. We greatly value your support and loyalty because you are the reason for our existence.

Klein Karoo Seed Production
Contact Number: +(27)44 203 5259
Website: www.seedproduction.co.za
Managing Director: Mr David Malan
Klein Karoo Seed Production (Pty) Ltd specializes in the production of high quality vegetable, forage, pasture, agronomy and organic seed on a contract basis for seed companies from all over the world. We are based in the Klein Karoo, a fertile valley between the Swartberg and Outeniqua mountain ranges in the Western Cape, South Africa. We have more than 35 years of experience in seed production and provide an efficient and highly specialized service to our clients. Therefore we are being regarded as professional partner and preferred seed production company by many international seed companies. Being located in the southern hemisphere, companies in the northern hemisphere regard us as a strategic provider of seed for an all year around seed supply. Our vegetable seed range includes open pollinated and hybrid varieties such as onion, bunching onion, leek, radish, beetroot, carrot, pumpkin and squash. We have technologically advanced seed cleaning facilities and a fully equipped ISTA accredited seed testing laboratory. Our well-trained and highly experienced technical production advisors are fully equipped to assist our seed growers and clients.
We are proud of our dedicated team of producers who take special care of every seedling to ensure Hallmark of Quality seed every season.

Cape Karoo International
Contact Number: +(27)44 203 6200
Website: www.capekarooint.com
Managing Director: Dr Francois de Wet
Cape Karoo International (CKI), the result of a merger between Klein Karoo International and Mosstrich, is the world’s leading producer of ostrich leather, feathers and meat. Our rich history stretches back to the 1860’s when the commercial farming of ostriches originated in the Little Karoo. Today, CKI sustain thousands of jobs across various farms, two state-of-the-art tanneries, four ostrich and game abattoirs, and a feather processing facility. This new innovative company not only offers impeccable service and first-rate products, but also holds the confidence of over 200 ostrich farming-shareholders.
Whistleblowers number is:
0800 21 25 57
Email: celeste@kleinkaroo.com
Tel: +27 44 203 5100
PO BOx 241
Head Executive Manager: Jurgens Meyer
Head Finance & Information Officer: Pieter Barnard
Group Company Secretary: Pieter Barnard